Inner Peace by Fokusjaya Cerah Sdn Bhd

Environment / Health / Safety, Grooming / Beauty / Fitness, Consulting (Business & Management)
Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia

The leading education provider in the Malaysian spa and wellness industry. Committed to raising awareness for the Bornean cultures in the wellness and health industry, Inner Peace conducts spa and wellness workshops to educate especially the youth and encourage them to pursue and develop careers in the wellness and health industry.

We are a registered HDRF Training provider. We are registered with HDRF, EIS, and Development Skills Department.

Environment / Health / Safety, Grooming / Beauty / Fitness, Consulting (Business & Management) 
51 - 100 employees 
Long hours  
Education support, Loans, Medical, Miscellaneous allowance
Sabah, Malaysia 
Beauty Industry, Coaching & Mentoring, Massage Therapy, Reflexology, Therapeutic Massage, Therapists, Training & Development, Water Treatment, Wellness Industry, Aesthetics 
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